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Sony og Microsofts næste konsoller


Level: 38 (Tatori)

1ups givet

Skrevet 04-08-2012 21:27

Nu har Wii U været annonceret i snart halvandet år og der er kun nogle få måneder til udgivelsen af det - til trods for dette har intet specifikt hørt omkring PlayStation 4 eller XBox 8/720 endnu.

Jeg fandt dette udklip fra et blad, der påstår at en af udviklerne ville have fremvist deres næstegenerationskonsol til årets E3 i juni, men trak ud i sidste øjeblik. Jeg ved ikke helt om dette er noget man skal tro på, men det sætter lidt tankerne i gang alligevel.

Hvem tror I først der officielt annoncerer deres næste konsol, og hvornår tror I den kommer? Bliver det tættere på Wii Us efterfølger end Wii U - eller sker det måske i anledningen af Wii U udgivelsen som Sony gjorde det med Vita og 3DS? Smiley


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#196 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 15:02 - Redigeret 18-03-2014 15:02

Så blev udgivelsen for Xbox One i Danmark afsløret. September måned i år. Det er vanvittigt sent!

Microsoft skriver:

Nu er det snart tid til, at de danske Xbox-fans kan få glæde af Xbox One - til september bliver Xbox One nemlig tilgængelig på endnu flere markeder, herunder i Danmark. Det glæder vi os rigtig meget til!

Når vi glæder os over at kunne introducere danske fans for Xbox One, så skyldes det især den overvældende modtagelse, som Xbox One har fået i udlandet. Her har vi oplevet, at vores fans i gennemsnit bruger mere end fem timer om dagen på Xbox One. Og med lanceringen af Titanfall, og den længe ventede Twitch-service, har vores fans lagt overvældende mange timer på Xbox Live - faktisk oplevede vi det højeste antal af timer logget på Xbox Live siden introduktionen af Xbox One.

Med lanceringen af Xbox One på det danske marked, kan vores fans se frem til en række eksklusive titler, som fx Titanfall, Forza 5, Ryse: Son of Rome og Kinect Sports Rivals. Vi har også en række nye titler og oplevelser klar, herunder nogle af de mest ventede titler til Xbox One: Halo, Watch Dogs, Project Spark, Tom Clancy's The Division, Sunset Overdrive, Destiny og mange flere.

Vi er i fuld gang med forberedelserne til den danske lancering, og i slutningen af april er vi klar med mange flere detaljer - stay tuned!

Rasmus A
Rasmus A

Level: 19 (Bullet Bill)

1ups givet

#197 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 15:47

dybt til grin Smiley

overvejer helt seriøst at købe ps4 Smiley


Level: 20 (Moblin)

1ups givet

#198 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 17:28

Jeg forstår udskydelsen af den japanske release, hvor den nok ikke kommer til at sælge mere end 2 millioner i dens levetid; men det giver ingen mening i de mindre lande i Europa, som trods alt er vigtige for Microsoft.

Det er i øvrigt utroligt hvordan Microsofts altid markedsfører multiplatform-spil som eksklusive titler. Smiley


Level: 28 (Skeeter)

1ups givet

#199 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 19:35 - Redigeret 18-03-2014 19:36

Xbox One er dead on arrival i Japan. Den kommer heller ikke til at klare sig særlig godt her i Europa, som i forvejen favoriserer Sony. Et års forsinkelse gør det kun værre.


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#200 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 19:54

Bota skrev:
Jeg forstår udskydelsen af den japanske release, hvor den nok ikke kommer til at sælge mere end 2 millioner i dens levetid; men det giver ingen mening i de mindre lande i Europa, som trods alt er vigtige for Microsoft.

Det er i øvrigt utroligt hvordan Microsofts altid markedsfører multiplatform-spil som eksklusive titler. Smiley

Den kommer nok heller ikke til at sælge 2 mio her i Danmark. Smiley
Nå, spøg til side. Det er en katastrofe for MS, helt sikkert. Men omvendt, PS3 kom da også noget senere end Xbox 360.


Level: 20 (Moblin)

1ups givet

#201 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 21:21

Sony var ret arrogante med PS3 og prissatte den alt for højt, men de fik vendt skuden ved at få prisen ned og vigtigst af alt få mange og gode ekslusive titler. Det sidste kan jeg ikke se kommer til at ske for Xbox One, når Microsoft ikke gider købe studios. Xbox 360 overlevede stort set kun pga. Kinect, Halo og multiplatform-spil, som oftest kørte bedst på 360. Dette er nu omvendt med PS4 (60 fps, 1080p), så selv hvad angår multiplat-spil er Playstation nu bedre.
Det er virkelig en konsol "made by America for Americans" Smiley


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#202 - Skrevet 18-03-2014 23:00

Ja, det er jeg ret enig med dig i. Overvejer også, om jeg ikke skal prøve det der Playstation i denne generation.


Level: 38 (Tatori)

1ups givet

#203 - Skrevet 21-05-2014 18:13



Level: 28 (Skeeter)

1ups givet

#204 - Skrevet 21-05-2014 18:24

Kan virkelig godt lide Sony følger med tiden og udnytter smartphones/sociale medier så meget. Det kunne Nintendo lære noget af.


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#205 - Skrevet 21-05-2014 21:06

Ja, det er godt tænkt! Så slipper man for at punge ud til n mikrofoner.


Level: 38 (Tatori)

1ups givet

#206 - Skrevet 11-09-2014 10:15 - Redigeret 11-09-2014 10:16


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#207 - Skrevet 21-01-2015 12:48

Ori and the Blind Forest er sat til udgivelse 11. marts til XBO og Steam. Jeg er ret ked af, at det nok ikke kommer på WiiU, selvom der absolut ikke er nogen teknisk grund til det. De udsendte en gameplay-trailer for det, og synes det ser underholdende ud:


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#208 - Skrevet 11-03-2015 09:24 - Redigeret 11-03-2015 12:18

Vil lige bumpe, fordi der er kommet en ny trailer til Ori and the Blind Forest, og det ser stadig helt absurd godt ud. Anmeldelserne er også tikket ind:

<b>Gamespot - 9/10</b>
It's important, however, not to mistake Ori and the Blind Forest for being simply beautiful. It certainly is--but it is also unceasingly clever. It consistently surprises you with new tricks: gravitational divergences, new ways to move through its spaces, and carefully designed levels that require you to think quickly and respond. It is not as snappy as, say, a typical Mario platformer, seeking instead a broader gameplay arc stretching across a single, interconnected world. It's a superb and thematically consistent approach that allows Ori and the Blind Forest to build joy on a bed of heartache, adding a new layer of mechanical complexity with each ray of hope.

<b>Polygon - 9/10</b>
Ori and the Blind Forest is a rare realization of fantastic design and production values in a space where I wasn't expecting to find it, displaying a spectacular level of confidence in what it is and what it does. And here's where we come back to wishing I hadn't reviewed it as quickly as I had to. It's a game that provides so much to explore and appreciate, and I would have liked to have taken just a little more time than I was able.

<b>IGN - 8.5/10</b>
Bigger and tougher than it looks, Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautifully realized, brilliantly designed, and at times brutally difficult sylvan Metroidvania-style platformer with enough charm to leave a lasting impression. It's often frustrating and sometimes confusing, but its spectacular platforming, memorable world, and engrossing story wash those concerns away.

<b>GameInformer - 9.5/10</b>
Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the best games of the year, and should be a no-brainer for anyone looking for an exciting new adventure to dive into. That said, it comes with a warning: Expect to be humbled by its difficulty. Death comes quickly. Over and over, you’re going to watch an adorable little creature perish because you had a moment of indecision or your skills failed you. Again, nothing about this experience feels unfair. Some of the long scripted sequences are enormously challenging – to the point that you’ll likely repeat every swear word that you know.

<b>Destructoid - 9.5/10</b>
Every so often I come across a game that just makes me smile. I mean, I play videogames almost daily because I have fun doing it, but certain titles have me grinning from ear to ear the entire journey for a myriad of different reasons. Ori and the Blind Forest is one of those games. It's just plain enjoyable from start to finish, and doesn't waste your time.

<b>GamesRadar - 4/5</b>
Equal parts charm and challenge, Ori and the Blind Forest makes some harsh demands but pays off with its stellar presentation. Its atmosphere is phenomenal, with the kind of universal appeal that's rarely found in games - from the way the backgrounds feel like living environments, to the uplifting music and touching cinematic moments. Completing Ori's six-to-nine-hour journey will certainly leave you feeling warm, fuzzy, and accomplished - just be ready to dig in for some particularly trying segments.

<b>US Gamer - 4/5</b>
While it stumbles over its own ambition far more than it should, Ori and the Blind Forest bursts with both detail and passion. At times it's less a game you play than one you force your way through despite your better judgment, but the parts where it all works together make it worth the pain. And wow, does it look good.

<b>GameSided - 9/10</b>
Ori and the Blind Forest, even in its early 2015 release, is already a strong game of the year candidate. Exquisite is its composition, as the hot-cold pacing of exciting platforming action mixed with thought-enticing puzzles and exploration is a sought after quality. Small blemishes in replayability and rare framerate dips should not overshadow the bigger picture, as players can expect to be fully immersed in a somber, yet enrapturing world full of wonder.

<b>VentureBeat - 9.5/10</b>
I loved every second of Ori and the Blind Forest. It’s as fun as it is pretty, which is an incredible achievement when its one of the most gorgeous games I’ve ever seen. If you’ve ever enjoyed a 2D sidescroller, you’ll definitely appreciate what developer Moon Studios has done here. If you’re a fan of Metroidvania-style games, you’ll find an experience that easily joins the ranks of Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night.

<b>NeoSeeker - 9/10</b>
Without a doubt, Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the biggest surprises we’ll see in 2015. On the surface, it’s a gorgeous platformer brimming with style and story, drawing curious players in with all its charm and intuitive design. In truth, this is a sprawling adventure that dares to play with our emotions and taunts us with never-ending challenges. I can say with absolute certainty that Ori is already one of my favorite games of the year.

<b>DigitalChumps - 7/10</b>
Ori and the Blind Forest imparts a beautiful and intricate framework of the platforming and progression that came to define latter day Castlevania and Metroid titles, but it can't muster the same technical and design prowess to fuel its own ideas. This leaves Ori as an adequate model of its revered genre, just short of the execution and innovation that could have made it exemplary.

Det gør mig ret glad, at spillet også står til at udkomme til <b>Xbox 360</b> senere i år, for så skal jeg ikke investere i XBO for at spille det. Smiley


Level: 23 (Skree)

1ups givet

#209 - Skrevet 11-03-2015 11:51

Jeg kan huske, at jeg købte min XB360 fordi, "Banjo-kazooie: Nuts and Bolts" kun var udgivet til den platform. Det var lidt af et dårligt køb Smiley


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#210 - Skrevet 15-06-2015 08:13

<b>Dishonored 2</b>. Endnu en grund til at anskaffe sig en XBO... elskede det første spil, og traileren her er vild!