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Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

Skrevet 12-11-2017 18:26 - Redigeret 25-08-2018 16:47

Den officielle tråd til det kommende Xenoblade Chronicles 2 til Nintendo Switch. Tråden opdateres løbende med nye informationer, men bruges til at dele mindre nyheder og ellers blot diskutere spillet.

Udvikler: Monolith Soft
Udgiver: Nintendo
Platform: Switch
Størrelse: Ca. 13. GB
DLC: Flere pakker annonceret
Amiibo: Nej
Dato: 1. december 2017
Genre: J-RPG
Antal spillere: Single-player
Controls: Ingen motion controls
Anmeldelse: Kan læses her
Pris (eShop): 479 kr. / 704 kr. for spillet inkl. Season Pass

Første trailer:

Trailer fra 7. november 2017

Der er annonceret flere DLC-pakker. 1. pakke er de japanske originalstemmer, og denne kan hentes gratis fra spillets udgivelse.

Derefter kan der købes et Expansion Pass, der indeholder følgende:

Nogle nye genstande til at hjælpe dig på eventyret – December 2017
Nye missioner i hovedspillet – januar 2018
Nyt sjældent sværd – foråret 2018
Ny spiltype: Challenge Battle Mode - sommeren 2018
Ny historiedel – efteråret 2018

Prisen på Expansion Pass ligger på £26.99, hvilket svarer til rundt regnet 230 kr.


Level: 9 (Bob-omb)

1ups givet

#16 - Skrevet 14-12-2017 11:28

Forhåbeligt bliver kort mere brugbart, da Chapter 3 først quest kan være svært at, finde.

Første spil hvor jeg virkelig ville ønske der var en fysisk guide til.


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#17 - Skrevet 22-12-2017 09:58

Spillet er opdateret til version 1.1.1, og opdateringen indeholder:

  • Fixed an issue occurring in the Gormott regular quest “One Step Ahead,” where acquiring the Healing Herb quest item at 12:00 caused the item to fail to be counted in the quest log, preventing completion of the quest.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in the Gormott regular quest “A Young Man’s Prize,” where acquiring the Snow-White Rhino quest item at 7:00 caused the item to fail to be counted in the quest log, preventing completion of the quest.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in the Gormott regular quest “The Riddle on the Wall,” preventing quest progression.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in Perceval’s blade quest “Failure and Success,” preventing quest progression.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in Gorg’s blade quest “Follow Your Passion,” preventing quest progression.
  • Fixed an issue occurring after viewing the “Something in Common” movie in the “Chapter One: Encounters” section of the Events Theater causing the camera to continue shaking after returning to the game.
  • Made adjustments to improve the stability of performing certain actions.
    - Due to these adjustments, time required for Skip Travel and loading event cut scenes has become longer in some instances and shorter in others.
  • A Pro Controller can now be used when the Joy-Con Controllers are attached to the system in Tabletop Mode.
  • Added an Easy difficulty to the Tiger! Tiger! mini game.
  • Added a new size of map to the mini map.
  • Pressing X when in the field to open the Skip Travel screen, the map of your current location will open.
  • Added functionality to allow players to receive the second round of items associated with the Expansion Pass.

  • JOEP

    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #18 - Skrevet 19-01-2018 08:17 - Redigeret 19-01-2018 08:18

    Ny opdatering (1.2.0):

    <b>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 version 1.2.0 patch notes</b>

  • Fixed an issue in which parts set to a specific Skill RAM failed to provide their intended effects.
  • Adjusted the Gormott regular quest “The Riddle on the Wall” to make it completable regardless of player progression in the main story.
  • Adjusted Finch’s Blade Quest “Birds of a Feather” to make it completable regardless of player progression in the main story.
  • Fixed an issue in Agate’s Blade Quest “Precious Yearnings” preventing quest progression.
  • Added functionality to allow players to receive the first round of quests and the second round of items associated with the Expansion Pass.
  • Voiced segments in menus can now be skipped with the A or B button.

  • JOEP

    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #19 - Skrevet 30-01-2018 08:16

    Version 1.3.0 vil introducere New Game+ - formentlig lader det dig starte med de Blades, du alerede har fået, og måske også på et højere level.
    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="da"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Coming mid-February, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/XenobladeChronicles2?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#XenobladeChronicles2</a> version 1.3.0 will introduce a new second playthrough game mode as a free software update! <a href="https://t.co/2WiIRZakdB">pic.twitter.com/2WiIRZakdB</a></p>&mdash; Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) <a href="https://twitter.com/NintendoEurope/status/956859297459208193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">26. januar 2018</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #20 - Skrevet 09-02-2018 07:54

    Version 1.3.0 kommer næste uge og inkluderer ret meget nyt. Den store nyhed er Advanced Game Modes, hvor du får adgang til nogle nye Blades, nye Merc Missions, Drivers får nye skills, man kan sætte sit level ned i inns, og så kan man bruge opsparing Bonus Exp til at købe ting med. Det er basalt set et Net Game+, så du får lov til at beholde
    1. Driver Levels
    2. Unlocked Skills on both drivers and blades.
    3. Blades
    4. Items and Gold
    5. Mercenary Ranking Level
    6. Town Development Level
    7. Unique Monster Kills
    8. Cut-scenes
    Du skal huske at gemme dit spil lige efter slutningen, hvis du vil have adgang til Advanced New Game.

    Derudover er der også tilføjet følgende småting, hvilket er ting jeg personligt har savnet i mit eventyr indtil nu:

    – You can lock blades so you won’t accidentally release them
    – Can skip the Core Crystal bonding cut-scene
    – When you enlarge the mini-map, icons from the skip travel map will now be displayed.
    – Added an Easy Mode
    – New sorting option being added for items

    Til sidst kommer der også nogle af de ting, man får fra Expansion Pass.


    Level: 5 (Cheep)

    1ups givet

    #21 - Skrevet 09-02-2018 20:46

    den nye update lyder rigtig godt! en grund til at genspille for nye blades! Smiley
    endnu mere hvis de også får deres egen side quest.


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #22 - Skrevet 24-04-2018 06:56 - Redigeret 24-04-2018 06:57

    Versionm 1.4.0 kommer denne uge og giver adgang til to nye Rare Blades for dem, der har købt Expansion Pass.

    Poppi Buster (kan dog bruges af andre end Tora og fås via en ny quest)

    Telos: RE fås fra en Core Crystal, men sandsynligheden for at få den er høj.


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #23 - Skrevet 24-05-2018 07:17

    Version 1.4.1 kommer i morgen.


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #24 - Skrevet 25-05-2018 07:53 - Redigeret 25-05-2018 19:44

    De nye side quests for Expansion Pass-ejere er:

    A Smith’s Pastime (Talk to Chulev at Garfont Village, Uraya.)

    A Hat Fit for a Lady (Talk to Beemer at Fonsa Myma Port, Uraya. Available from Chapter 5.)

    Making Love Source (Stay at the inn in Argentum. Req. Poppi QT. Available from Chapter 7.)

    A Mercenary’s Honor (Go to Royal Guard Barracks. Finish “Beneath the Aurora” quest. Available from Chapter 10.)

    Merclibay’s Mightiest (Find Caephon at Rig. Harbor, Leftheria. Req. Electra & Zenobia & Herald. Available from Ch. 10.)

    Derudover er der rettet følgende:
    [citat][Issues Fixed
    - Fixed an issue causing the game to lock up when certain Specials (Lv4) were used.
    - Fixed an issue causing Affinity Rewards that had already been received to be received again when reforging bonds with rare blades.
    - Fixed an issue causing blades not to use their standby motions when blade switching in the field.

    Changes and New Features
    - Added functionality to receive the third round of quests distributed via the Expansion Pass./citat]


    Level: 3 (Koopa-Troopa)

    1ups givet

    #25 - Skrevet 03-06-2018 09:15 - Redigeret 03-06-2018 09:15

    Er langt om længe blevet færdig med spillet (tog også kun 6 måneder Smiley ). Men wow en oplevelse! Et af de bedste spil jeg har spillet i nyere tid Smiley


    Level: 27 (Beetle)

    1ups givet

    #26 - Skrevet 06-06-2018 10:04 - Redigeret 06-06-2018 10:04

    Har spillet været på tilbud på noget tidspunkt? Jeg er ved at være klar til at samle det op, men hvis det er et spil der kommer på tilbud af og til vil jeg vente til det er det Smiley


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #27 - Skrevet 06-06-2018 11:47 - Redigeret 06-06-2018 11:47

    Jeg har ikke set noget.


    Level: 27 (Beetle)

    1ups givet

    #28 - Skrevet 25-06-2018 11:02 - Redigeret 25-06-2018 11:02

    Nu bukkede jeg under og købte det. Ser frem til at spille det når jeg skal på ferie her i juli! Smiley


    Level: 50 (Torizo)

    1ups givet

    #29 - Skrevet 27-07-2018 08:35

    Ny opdatering til spillet:

    Issues Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with the Expansion Pass Challenge Battle, “Humanoid Alliance” preventing play from proceeding from one wave to the next.

    Changes and New Features

    • The Skill RAM “Shackle Blade Resist” I – V have been added as parts you can create via Poppiswap.
    • The ability to acquire the Rare Blade, Crossette is now available via the Expansion Pass.
      - A core crystal is available that will guarantee bonding with Crossette. Crossette possesses the following characteristics:
      Weapon type: Ball
      Element: Fire
      Role: Recovery Crossette
    • The fourth and final round of DLC quests is now available via the Expansion Pass.
    • The difficulty levels “Bringer of Chaos” and “Custom” have been added to the game options as a means of supporting your adventures in the Expansion Pass content.
      - With the difficulty level set to “Custom,” a maximum of 10 parameters related to battle such as enemy attack power and max HP and Party Gauge Gains can be adjusted as you see fit.
      - Selecting the default settings when using “Custom” difficulty will be equivalent to playing at the Normal difficulty level.
      - These additional difficulty levels are not available when selecting difficulty for a New Game. After beginning the game, they will be available in the game options under “New Difficulty Levels.”
      - The difficulty levels “Bringer of Chaos” and “Custom” have been added to the Challenge Battle: Nopondemonium in the Expansion Pass.
    • The ability to change the battle music when fighting unique monsters to the track “You Will Know Our Names” from the original Xenoblade Chronicles has been added to the game options in the selection “Special BGM.”
      - To listen to this alternate music, you must first have one of the characters Shulk or Fiora in your party. (Shulk and Fiora are available via the Expansion Pass)
      - This functionality is added automatically by updating the Expansion Pass and is set to “Enabled” by default.
    • Nopon crystals can now be exchanged for additional items in the Challenge Battle: Nopondemonium, available via the Expansion Pass.
      - In addition to items that will slightly alter a character’s outfit, there are now also items that will improve Tora’s “Idea” level.
      - Select “Gift from Zuo 2” then “Nopon Invitation” after choosing Expansion Pass on the Main Menu to make these additional items available.
    • Check marks have been added next to any items you already possess when viewing the item list while exchanging Nopon crystals for items in Challenge Battle: Nopondemonium.
    • The difficulty of the Expansion Pass Challenge Battle, “Attack of the Aspar” has been adjusted.
      - Yackle Aspars, who appear when playing on Easy will get a smaller amount of HP when leveling up.

  • Nemy

    Level: 27 (Beetle)

    1ups givet

    #30 - Skrevet 30-07-2018 12:33 - Redigeret 30-07-2018 12:33

    Dejligt med nye opdateringer. Skal snart igang med det, og regner med det bliver det næste spil jeg kommer til at lægge en rigtig god portion timer i Smiley