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Splatoon Research Lab


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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Skrevet 19-12-2014 12:25 - Redigeret 07-02-2017 20:51

Fra dags dato (d. 7/2 2017) bruges denne tråd til opdateringerne om Splatoon 2, der udgives til Switch til sommer.

Jeg kan ikke forestille mig andet end, at en del af os her på siden ser frem til Nintendos tag på en shooter i form af Splatoon, og da de for nyligt begyndte at dele info om spillet via en officiel Tumblr-profil, så synes jeg da det fortjener en tråd i stil med "Dagens Smash-billede".

Jeg er ikke helt med på, hvor tit profilen opdateres, men jeg håber I vil være med til at dele de nye posts i denne tråd Smiley

EUREKA! We have discovered the existence of Splatoon 2, a brand-new Splatoon game for Nintendo Switch! This may very well be the most important discovery in the history of squid science! Incidentally, Splatoon 2 was also announced at the ongoing Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 in Japan, BUT WE DISCOVERED IT FIRST! Anyway, we’ll once again be firing up the ol’ research machine here at the Squid Research Lab, so watch this space for in-depth reporting of our Splatoon 2 research findings!

Det øverste billede i Smash-tråden opdateredes automatisk, da stien altid var den samme, men det er desværre ikke tilfældet her..


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#16 - Skrevet 14-01-2015 18:21

We just received a new photo upload from one of our junior field researchers! From the looks of it, this appears to be a floating oil rig. The open area on top sure looks like a good place to battle it out, but…it seems like a lot of work getting out here in the middle of the ocean just to throw down on a cool location. Just saying.

Crispy calamari! Some new footage of our favorite squid creatures was just revealed via Nintendo Direct! It appears to show their home-base area, and also confirms the existence of other life-forms living there! This will no doubt lead our researchers to all sorts of tantalizing new breakthroughs. Such exciting times! http://youtu.be/t6zgkp1YBRw?t=15m20s

Breaking news! We just received this urgent text message from one of our senior interns: OMG SPLATOON RELEASE MAY 2015! I’m not exactly sure what this means, but apparently it was announced in the most recent Nintendo Direct. It’s really gotten our researchers in a tizzy! Also, the so-called “king of squids,” the bigfin reef squid, tends to make appearances in May. What a great month for squid fans everywhere!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#17 - Skrevet 20-01-2015 10:32

This just in! We’ve now learned that most of the crazy squid creatures we’ve been studying call this city home. The central plaza is apparently a favorite hangout for all of the hip-and-happening squid folk. If this were Tokyo, the plaza would sort of be like Shibuya. I guess their cities aren’t so different from our own!

New info coming at ya! We’ve just received confirmation that this tower is a very important landmark in the plaza area. Our undercover interns have observed the squid creatures entering the base of the tower to play in turf-war battles online! Now it makes sense why so many squid folk are always hanging out in the plaza. How fascinating!

Hot new nugget! Our researchers have identified four shops in the squid plaza’s shopping district: a weapons shop, a headgear shop, a clothing shop, and a shoe shop. The items in stock at the clothing, headgear, and shoe shops apparently change from day to day, so be sure to check back frequently!

Breaking news! We’ve now learned that the amount of in-game currency these crazy squids get from each match is tied to how much turf they cover with ink. So if you want the hottest fashions, you’d better get busy during battle!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#18 - Skrevet 21-01-2015 12:52

This is the shop where squid fighters buy new weapons to use in battle. Apparently this place is known for excellent customer service, but word on the street is that they won’t sell you certain weapons if you aren’t ready to use them. Sounds like racking up experience in battle is the key to earning the shopkeeper’s approval!

We’ve just confirmed that this horseshoe crab dude is the owner of the weapons shop. He’s reportedly obsessed with all types of military gear. This love has come at a cost, though, as cleaning and polishing his gear all day every day has apparently made him extremely nearsighted. No wonder his glasses are so thick. What a nerd!

Check this out! Squid fighters can take a set of three weapons into battle: a main weapon, a sub weapon, and a special weapon. Turf wars are considered a serious sport in the squid world, and as such, the weapon manufacturers are constantly competing to outdo one another with new innovations to help these athletes gain the upper hand…er, tentacle.

New report! We’ve just received intel on a sub weapon that appears to be some sort of ink shield. Activating it apparently blocks enemy attacks and progress for a short time. This is a great example of how sub weapons can be used not only for attacking purposes, but for defense and team support as well.

Breaking news! One of our interns just texted over this new image of one of the special weapons. Apparently when this thing is ready to use, if you tap a location on the GamePad, you’ll launch a missile to that spot, creating a veritable swirling maelstrom of ink when it hits. Apparently it’s not super difficult to dodge, but we’re hearing that there’s no finer way to scatter opponents and drive them back.


Level: 13 (Baby Dodongo)

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#19 - Skrevet 21-01-2015 14:02

Ville ønske det kom til den nye 3ds. Ønske spillet


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#20 - Skrevet 22-01-2015 11:24

New intel just in! We’ve identified this shop as the place where squid fighters come for all of their headgear needs: hats, helmets, glasses, goggles…you name it! Sounds like this is definitely the place to visit if you want to get ahead of your competition.

Check it out! We’ve identified this sea anemone gal as the clerk who works at the headgear shop. We hear that she’s pretty shy and mostly keeps to herself, which sort of makes you wonder why she’d even want a job in the service industry. Oh, and see that little fish dude hanging out in her hair? He apparently talks tough but never does anything on his own. Maybe these two actually have a lot in common?


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#21 - Skrevet 26-01-2015 16:15

New report! We’ve learned that headgear, clothing, and shoes all have different attributes that benefit those who wear them into battle. For example,this item comes equipped with “Ink Saver (Main),” which cuts down on the ink needed to fire your main weapon. There are apparently a whole lot more perks like this!

Here comes a follow-up to the previous report!
Each piece of gear comes with one perk, but can gain new ones the more it’s used. Each item also contains one top-class perk, just waiting to be unlocked! I guess practice really does make perfect!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#22 - Skrevet 27-01-2015 10:12

This store in the plaza is a one-stop shop for all your clothing needs. If our intel is reliable, it offers a wide selection of threads that are both functional and fashionable. Although, they never seem to have any pants in stock. Probably because jellyfish prefer to go au naturel.

This is Jelonzo, the charismatic clerk that runs the clothing shop. With his uncanny sense for the hottest trends, he’s viewed as a fashion god of sorts by all the young squids in town. He hails from distant waters and has a strange way of speaking that can make it difficult to understand him, but that may be one of the secrets of his success.


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#23 - Skrevet 13-02-2015 11:51

Må hellere opdatere lidt her igen, for nu er der kommet en del mere...

Breaking news! In this crazy squid society, “coolness” is apparently a pretty big deal. So much so, in fact, that the shopkeepers won’t even give you the time of day if you’re not cool enough. Battle it up to make sure you’re as fresh and fly as possible before trying to buy the latest gear.

Participating in battles seems to be the key to earning experience and raising your rank. This rank is the yardstick by which your “coolness” will be measured!

From sandals to boots and everything in between, Shrimp Kicks has the hottest selection of Inkling footwear. With such a delicious…I mean, uh, professional-looking salesman, it’s no wonder the store is so popular! If you see a pair of kicks you like, snap ‘em up before they’re sold out!

This is Crusty Sean, the owner and proprieter of Shrimp Kicks. He’s got a mean shoe game and plenty of feet that he uses to model all of the hottest new styles. He might look like he’s fried to golden-brown perfection, but his breaded exterior is actually a slightly morbid designer jacket.

You may notice some jellyfish wandering among the Inklings in the plaza. Jellyfish are the second-most common creature in the city, but they can’t speak the Inkling language. “Oh yeah? Then why can Jelonzo speak Inkling?!” you might ask, rather annoyingly. Well, Jelonzo is a special jellyfish from distant waters. No one knows how he learned Inkling, but the way he botches the language is kinda cute!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#24 - Skrevet 18-02-2015 16:24 - Redigeret 18-02-2015 16:25

Endnu en opdatering:

This is Judd. He’s a cat, if you can’t tell. Long shrouded in mystery, details about Judd are just now beginning to trickle in. Firstly, we can confirm that he’s (probably) not a dog. Also, Judd was born with the incredible ability to judge turf area at a glance to separate the winners from the losers. And it may look like he’s wearing a snazzy cat tuxedo, but that’s actually just the naturally occuring pattern of his fur. Some cats have all the luck.

Squid Research Special Report:
Our findings indicate that Charger weapons are capable of firing blasts of ink over long distances. They can be used to snipe distant targets, but they also leave long trails of ink on the ground, making them useful for quickly creating ink paths for allies to swim through.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! We at Squid Research Lab have an important research question to ask you: Will you be our valentine? No pressure to say yes, but we got you this really sweet and expensive card.

Hmm… I wonder if Inklings give sweets to each other on Valentine’s Day. Do you think they like chocolate-covered shrimp?

It’s time for another hot info nugget from Squid Research labs! The manhole you’ll find tucked in a corner of the plaza has been confirmed to lead to Octo Valley, the location of our campaign against the Octarian threat. It may be a lonely and desolate place, but such is the path a hero walks…

This unreasonably attractive gentleman goes by the name of Cap’n Cuttlefish. He’s a decorated hero who fought in the Great Turf Wars of legend between the Inklings and Octarians. He now keeps solemn vigil over Octo Valley, watching for any fishy behavior. Though his clothes may be tattered, his heart is pure and nothing escapes his razor-sharp gaze. He also TOTALLY didn’t write this post.


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#25 - Skrevet 22-02-2015 10:32

Squid Research Labs Special Report:
Our findings indicate that roller weapons excel at inking territory while on the move, but they can also fling ink in a wide arc. Flinging ink is a short-range attack to be sure, but it can be quite a powerful tactic. Interestingly enough, a statistically significant percentage of test subjects reported that switching between flinging ink and rolling ink on the ground is more satisfying than one might think!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#26 - Skrevet 25-02-2015 10:24

This just in! Apparently there are a lot of highly reputable fashion brands in Inkling society. Some Inklings like to wear gear that’s all the same brand, while others like to mix and match to create their own custom style. Whatever sinks your boat!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#27 - Skrevet 27-02-2015 13:09

Another slow day here in the lab, so in lieu of any breaking news, I thought of a sweet squid knowledge bomb to drop on y’all! Back in the day, people used to use squid ink to write letters and such, but sunlight would fade the ink and cause it to turn light brown in color. Photos with a similarly faded-brown palette are called “sepia tone,” but the word “sepia” actually refers to a type of squid! The idea of sepia-toned memories sure sounds romantic, but faded-squid-ink-colored memories doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, does it…

Boom! We’ve got some breaking news about one of the weapons used in Turf War battles. This here is the Splattershot! We’ve heard that it strikes the perfect balance between power, range, and rate of fire, making it the ultimate all-arounder. Easy to use but highly effective, it’s apparently the gold standard against which all other weapons are measured!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

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#28 - Skrevet 05-03-2015 10:21

This is Octo Valley, the jumping-off point for Splatoon’s single-player story mode. It’s also where Cap’n Cuttlefish has been keeping a solitary watch on the growing Octarian threat! Not the most social of pastimes, but the path walked by heroes is often a lonely one. To that end, it sounds like his grandkids haven’t been visiting as much lately. Not that I asked, but he told me anyway…

Word on the street is that the Octarians’ secret lair is somewhere beneath Octo Valley. In fact, Cap’n Cuttlefish told one of our undercover interns that he’s fairly certain these teakettle-like thingies are the way in! He also told Meghan that he’s convinced the Octarians are planning some kind of trap, to never let her guard down, and that if he was only a few years younger, he’d take care of those Octojerks himself…

These Octarian fighters were discovered a while ago, but we’ve just now learned their real name: Octolings! Like Inklings and their squid powers, these tricksters can switch between octopus and humanoid form at will. They apparently make up an elite corps of the Octarian forces. We’ve seen footage of them heavily armed with bombs and ink guns, so don’t go messing around with these suckers unless you have to!

We’ve received new intel confirming that Octolings can appear in pairs or even larger teams from time to time. The thought of facing a solo Octoling makes me weak in the knees, so taking on two or more sounds like a one-way ticket to the danger zone! I had one of our undercover interns ask Cap’n Cuttlefish about this situation, and he said that back in the day, he took out a few Octoling squads by focusing his fire on one at a time. Seeing as he lived to tell this tale, sounds like some good advice!


Level: 58 (Tektite)

1ups givet

#29 - Skrevet 09-03-2015 11:44 - Redigeret 09-03-2015 11:49

This is the .52 Gal shooter. Each shot uses a LOT of ink, so it packs a serious punch. It has a low rate of fire, but if you aim carefully you can splat your foes before they know what hit ‘em.

<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ulcdb67FQVo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We’ve received video footage comparing the shot power of the .52 Gal to that of the Splattershot. Check it out!

When he’s not officiating a Turf War, Judd the cat can often be found sleeping at the base of Inkopolis Tower. They say cats sleep more the older they get, but just how old is this guy?

<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BQbcFXFzC1E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Attention science lovers! We’ve received GROUNDBREAKING research footage of…Judd taking a catnap. Our camera crew has captured over 200 hours of video of this never-before-seen phenomenon. After analyzing this footage, we’ve discovered that, uh, Judd’s tail has a really weird shape! So don’t worry—your tax dollars are hard at work solving the mysteries of…cat stuff.

<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BIGG3m-8ZMQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BREAKING NEWS! The Octarian threat is real! Thank goodness that brave soul was there to contain the invasion!


Level: 50 (Torizo)

1ups givet

#30 - Skrevet 09-03-2015 14:03

Der er en film mere, som du vist ikke lige fik med:

Left Stick - Movement
ZL - 'Squid' (only while pushed)
Gyro Sensor (Aim - can be turned off)
Right Stick - Look left & right. Push in for Special Weapon.
R - Sub Weapon
ZR - Ink Shot
X - Jump
Y - Camera Reset